Interactive model of government websites based on decision tree analysis and web quality 4.0

Abstract Government websites are important for providing citizens access to vital public information. However, many government websites are not well-designed, difficult to navigate, even out-of-date, and insufficient in providing information and interactive channels. Based on previous studies, website development often fails because it is oriented toward implementing a mandate without evaluating the website traffic and […]

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Transformasi Digital Pelayanan SIM?

Transformasi Digital Pelayanan SIM? Sebuah pengalaman pribadi Oleh Ali Rokhman (FISIP UNSOED) Alhamdulillah Hari ini pengalaman bertambah. Saya baru memperbaharui masa berlaku Surat Ijin Mengemudi (SIM) atau perpanjangan SIM di Purwokerto. Bagi saya ini termasuk pelayanan prima. Saya hitung total dari kehadiran saya sampai SIM baru saya dapatkan, hanya dalam waktu 90 menit (1,5 jam). […]

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